- 09/30/2014
- Posted by: Mike O'Malley
- Category: air talent, radio
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Lately that hasn’t been hard to do, especially these last few weeks with all the videos – from the Re2pect commercial, to the Made In New York Bronx walk-through, to Jeter’s farewell to the crowd at the Stadium
But the “Legacy” spot may be the best tribute of all, as players (kids and adults) paid their respects by modeling themselves after someone who inspired them.
That spot reminded me of why so many of us got into radio: because of a talent we connected with.
Just like the players in “Legacy” we emulated our heroes’ styles, recreated what they were famous for, and perhaps envisioned ourselves doing their job along side them one day.
Admittedly I can find a baseball analogy for just about anything, but I frequently use this one about coming to bat and opening the mic.
No one in the majors is invisible when they come to the plate. Tens of thousands of fans are watching from the stands and ten times that or more are watching on TV or listening via radio. And they have high expectations.
Perhaps because we seldom have the opportunity to make a visual connection with listeners while we’re on the air, it can be easy to forget that tens of thousands of our station’s fans are focused on us and what we say when we ‘come to bat.’
And they too have high expectations.
You can bet no major league batter walks to the plate without a plan. Yet, just speaking for myself when I was on the air, I know there were too many times when I opened the mic and wasn’t as prepared as I could have been.
I’d like to have those breaks back.
I’d like to have another chance to run as hard as I could to first on what inevitably was going to be just an infield groundout.
Being on the air is easy.
Being great on the air is not.
What’s your unique skill? What’s your plan for every break? Will you give it all you have, knowing that those listening could number between four and six figures, and that they’re hoping for something great to happen when you open the mic?
What will you do on your upcoming breaks that will motivate today’s listeners to want to be a part of your show tomorrow… and perhaps even inspire others to follow in your footsteps?
That’s the great Legacy Challenge.
PS: A tip of the cap to Paul Konerko of the White Sox – another great player who retired this weekend. Here’s a nice piece on Paul from the Chicago Tribune.